Sunday, 5 February 2017

*Creaks Open Door*

So, long time no sew! In 2016 we moved into our house, dealt with tens of unreliable contractors, and had a fair bit of illness in the family. Sewing took an understandable back seat.

As of last month, the craft room has been ready to use, and yesterday my new sewing machine arrived (a Janome 2032), which will hopefully complement Rose and enable me to make things which require zig zag stitch and button holes! Here they both are in the craft room:

I've threaded up the new machine today and sewn a long seam on the poor, neglected Delphine skirt; very happy to sew something again, even if it was one straight line. Just got to wait for the zipper feet to arrive in the post, then things should really get going, I have a long list of Things To Sew. Watch this space!